Avalanche Forecast
Avalanche Forecasts are for use by experienced backcountry travelers in uncontrolled sidecountry and backcountry terrain. These forecasts and conditions do not apply to open, in-bounds terrain at ski resorts, which is subject to avalanche control by local resort ski patrol.
Avalanche Rating
Low (1)
Warning! This is an outdated forecast.
Continue to verify conditions in the field.
Practice good travel habitsand group management.
More Detail
To get the complete forecast with additional graphics and details, please view the Avalanche Canada Zone forecast provided by Avalanche Canada.
Snowpack Discussion
A thin crust is on the surface at treeline and below, and into the alpine on sunny slopes. North aspects are expected to be crust-free with some facetting occurring, likely softening the surface.
Surface hoar has been growing in sheltered locations.
The mid and lower snowpack is well consolidated, with several well-bonded crusts scattered throughout.
Snow depth has been reported as 330 cm at 1700 m, tapering quickly at lower elevations below treeline.
Avalanche Activity
Several small skier-triggered wind slabs occurred at treeline over the weekend into Monday.