Avalanche Forecast

Avalanche Forecasts are for use by experienced backcountry travelers in uncontrolled sidecountry and backcountry terrain. These forecasts and conditions do not apply to open, in-bounds terrain at ski resorts, which is subject to avalanche control by local resort ski patrol.

Avalanche Rating

No Rating (0)

Warning! This is an outdated forecast.

Valid Wed Oct 2 12:00pm MDT 19 days ago Until Thu Oct 31 5:00pm MDT

The first snows of winter are here, with 5-20 cm of depth starting at ~2000m (Oct 2). Some will melt and some will stay, depending on aspect. Over the next month, expect crevasses on glaciers to be thinly bridged and as ice climbs start to form, watch for pockets of windslab in and around cliffs. Pray for snow: a deep start is a good start.

More Detail

To get the complete forecast with additional graphics and details, please view the Parks BYK Zone forecast provided by Parks BYK.

Snowpack Discussion

The early season snowpack is typically thin and widely variable, presenting deep drifts and areas scoured to the ground. Localized pockets of wind slab are common, meaning it can be easy to step from dry ground into a windslab, so watch carefully for these pockets of snow.