Avalanche Forecast
Avalanche Forecasts are for use by experienced backcountry travelers in uncontrolled sidecountry and backcountry terrain. These forecasts and conditions do not apply to open, in-bounds terrain at ski resorts, which is subject to avalanche control by local resort ski patrol.
Avalanche Rating
Considerable (3)
Recent winds have been from all directions, take extra care transitioning into wind affected terrain. In some sheltered areas, a weak layer is preserved and continues to be reactive.
More Detail
To get the complete forecast with additional graphics and details, please view the Avalanche Canada Zone forecast provided by Avalanche Canada.
Snowpack Discussion
30 to 60 cm of snow fell over the weekend.
In wind exposed areas, this new snow fell on a surface of wind affected old snow.
In sheltered areas, this new snow has fallen on a weak layer consisting of a combination of faceted grains, surface hoar, and a hard crust that formed during the January drought.
The mid snowpack contains a few other crust layers. One from December is buried 80 to 120 cm deep and may have facets around it in shallow areas.
The lower snowpack is well consolidated.