Pitt Meadows, BC

British Columbia Canada

Forecast Point 36 ft • 49.2208, -122.6902

Avalanche Forecast

Avalanche Forecasts are for use by experienced backcountry travelers in uncontrolled sidecountry and backcountry terrain. These forecasts and conditions do not apply to open, in-bounds terrain at ski resorts, which is subject to avalanche control by local resort ski patrol.

Avalanche Rating

Low (1)

Warning! This is an outdated forecast.

Valid Mon Apr 15 4:00pm PDT 6 months ago Until Tue Apr 16 4:00pm PDT

Low danger doesn't mean no danger.

While a surface crust will limit potential for avalanches, watch for changing surface conditions as you travel through different aspects and elevations.

More Detail

To get the complete forecast with additional graphics and details, please view the Avalanche Canada Zone forecast provided by Avalanche Canada.

Snowpack Discussion

A widespread surface crust likely exists at all elevations, except high alpine north-facing slopes. Wind-affected dry snow may exist on north-facing alpine slopes - watch for reactivity here. Where a crust exists expect limited avalanche activity.

Below treeline elevations have minimal snow cover if any at all. Expect challenging travel conditions with hazards like rocks, stumps, and open creeks.

Avalanche Activity

Strong sunshine and rising temperatures produced loose wet avalanches over the past few days, most notable on sun-affected slopes - check out this MIN for more details from Friday (photo below).With cooler temperatures forecast for Tuesday, avalanche activity is expected to decrease.

If you head into the backcountry, please submit any observations or photos to the Mountain Information Network, observations are limited in the spring.