Port McNeill, BC

British Columbia Canada

Forecast Point 79 ft • 50.5893, -127.0839

Avalanche Forecast

Avalanche Forecasts are for use by experienced backcountry travelers in uncontrolled sidecountry and backcountry terrain. These forecasts and conditions do not apply to open, in-bounds terrain at ski resorts, which is subject to avalanche control by local resort ski patrol.

Avalanche Rating

No Rating (0)

Warning! This is an outdated forecast.

Valid Sun Apr 28 4:00pm PDT 7 months ago Until Fri May 31 4:00pm PDT

We've concluded our regularly updated forecasts, but avalanche hazards can continue well into spring. The Spring Conditions page provides mountain travel guidance over the coming weeks.

More Detail

To get the complete forecast with additional graphics and details, please view the Avalanche Canada Zone forecast provided by Avalanche Canada.

Snowpack Discussion

The snow surface likely consists of a mix of hard melt-freeze crust and dry snow depending on aspect and elevation. Sun-exposed slopes may undergo daily melting and freezing whereas northerly alpine slopes could remain dry with potential slabs.

The remainder of the snowpack is settled and strong.

Limited snow cover remains below treeline.

For more spring travel resources, check out the forecasters’ blog.