Copper Mountain Daily Snow

By Joel Gratz, Founding Meteorologist Posted 1 year ago April 29, 2023
Final Post of the 2022-2023 Season
Thanks for reading this season, and best wishes for a wonderful spring, summer, and fall!
Copper will be open through May 7, 2023, though with the spring weather turning calm(er) and closing day within sight, this will be my last update of the season.
I appreciate your readership and support of the Copper Daily Snow!
This 2022-2023 season was a good one at Copper. While the total snowfall of about 318 inches (through the end of April) was not record-setting, it was the consistency of the snowfall that made this a very enjoyable season.
We had an average snowpack from November 1, 2022, through nearly the end of April 2023, and importantly there were no long periods of dry weather.
I hope that you have a wonderful spring, summer, and fall, and again, thanks for reading the Copper Daily Snow this season!
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