Idaho Daily Snow

By Steve Stuebner, Forecaster Posted 5 years ago February 14, 2020
Snow storms hit Idaho Friday-Sunday with up to 20 inches of quality *pow* coming our way
With 4-6 inches of fresh snow overnight, Lookout Pass and Silver Mountain will have a powder day on Friday with another 5-9 inches forecast during the day at Lookout. Smaller quantities are coming to Schweitzer and Silver during the day today. The big storm event for President's Day holiday weekend hits Idaho Saturday/Saturday night/Sunday statewide, with a range of 6-17 inches of new snow forecast just about everywhere. Ten to 20 inches max are predicted at Northern Idaho resorts, and 6-17 inches at Brundage Mountain, Tamarack Resort, Bogus Basin, Sun Valley, Pomerelle, Magic Mountain and Pebble Creek. Cool temperatures in the teens to low 20s at night will create great-quality snow! The storms move to the east by the President's Day holiday on Monday, and skies will clear next week for a string of bluebird days and sunshine to enjoy on the slopes.
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