US and Canada Daily Snow

Heads up, there may be fresher snow! Read the latest US and Canada Daily Snow

By Zach Butler, Meteorologist Posted 1 year ago April 26, 2023

Final Post of the 2022-2023 Season


Several storm systems will continue to give late-season powder through the Eastern Rockies mid to late week. Some upper Midwest snow is likely as well as the ‘cool’ spring continues. These rounds of storms are coming from British Columbia and Alaska with big snow totals out there. The Pacific Northwest, Sierras, and Wasatch warm up as the snowmelt season continues.

Short Term Forecast

A season to remember 

The 2022-2023 ski and ride season has come to a close in terms of Daily Snow updates. A quick look back shows what we all know about the western US, is that nearly all states and several resorts saw record-breaking snowfall. Several resorts reached the 700 and 800 inch club with Alta reaching 900 inches on Tuesday, April 25th. This is still mind-boggling to think about, and amazing to see the total season snow accumulations across the US.

Big thanks to OpenSnow Midwest meteorologist, Croix Christenson, for this awesome map! 

Some of these snow totals are staggering with more accumulating snow still possible in April and May. This is the year to ski all 12 months, especially for areas in California and Utah with snow that will likely last through the fall. Canada and Alaska saw a good winter as well. It was not as record-breaking, but it was still a solid season with plenty of snow and more in the forecast. Check out some of the season's favorite powder photos from the OpenSnow team. 

We can’t forget to mention the East Coast, but it might be something folks do want to forget with warm and mixed precipitation storms that plagued the region this season. Some storms made for powder days, but the differences between East and West were remarkable. 

Forecast for Wed, Apr 26 – Thu, Apr 27:

A late-season storm will lift out of the Eastern Rockies on Wednesday after dumping a couple of feet of snow in Colorado and northern New Mexico. Light snow accumulations will fall further north in Wyoming and Montana, with a classic spring warm-up after these storms. 

Rounds of strong storms will continue to move through Alaska and British Columbia into Alberta with heavy snow. These storm systems are continuing to bring cold air for late April through the Midwest and the interior Northeast. Where was this consistently during winter?! Snow accumulations are likely in the upper Midwest with light snow accumulations for the higher terrain in the East. 

Forecast for Fri, Apr 28 – Sat, Apr 29:

Another storm will swing through the Eastern Rockies but be lighter and not as cold. Snow accumulations are still likely in Colorado and New Mexico for more late-season powder. A similar type of storm will swing through the Midwest and interior New England with light snow accumulations. 

Another storm will impact Alaska with winter not letting up to the north. An upper-level ridge will bring warm temperatures and plenty of snowmelt to other areas in the western US. 

Forecast for Sun, Apr 30 – Mon, May 1:

A large storm will impact the East Coast and Upper Midwest with a weather pattern continuing that we all wished would have happened in the winter. Cool temperatures will bring snow to the Upper Midwest with rain elsewhere. 

Most of the western US will continue to be dry as we start May. Some rain and snow showers will affect the PNW with minimal impact. More snow continues will continue for Alaska and British Columbia. 

Extended Forecast

Outlook for Tue, May 2  – Sat, May 6:

There are growing signs of an active period of weather returning to the western US as we begin May. Spring forecasts are inherently unpredictable as the seasons change, causing weather models extended outlooks to be a bit more uncertain. 

Despite that, the models are giving strong signals of an upper-level trough building across the western US and the Pacific Ocean. This could bring rounds of atmospheric rivers from the Pacific Ocean or storm systems that will swing south from Canada. The exact track of these storms is uncertain, but the possibility of high-elevation snow is growing. Here is a look at the upper-level pattern from Tuesday, May 2nd through Sunday, May 7th. 

The cool colors show the active storm track and cooler temperatures associated with late-season snow.

This storm track will mean high-elevation snow for the never-ending season to never end. If the lift is not spinning, get on the skins or boots to get after some May powder turns. As we end the season in Daily Snow updates, a quick look at early Summer shows neutral chances of average temperatures and precipitation. Here is a look at the Climate Prediction Center’s seasonal outlook of temperature (top) and precipitation (bottom) for May, June, and July. 

This will be the final US & Canada Daily Snow of the 2022-2023 Season. Have a great end of the season and enjoy the spring and start of summer. Thank you so much for reading this winter. Alan and I really appreciate all of the support. See the Announcements below! 

Zach Butler, OpenSnow Meteorologist


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About Our Forecaster

Zach Butler


Zach Butler is currently a PhD student in Water Resources Science at Oregon State University. He just finished his master's in Applied Meteorology at Plymouth State University in New Hampshire. Originally from Maryland, he has grown up hiking and skiing up and down the East Coast. When not doing coursework, he enjoys cooking and exploring the pacific northwest on his bike.

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