
By Joel Gratz, Founding Meteorologist Posted 10 years ago August 25, 2014
Movie Trailer: Days of my Youth
I love getting excited for the upcoming season just as much as you do. And a big part of that is the ski movies that premiere each fall.
Over the past decade, I've seen a lot of ski movies. That means a lot of scenes with huge cliffs, deep powder, and super-amazing-insane-sick-epic conditons (!).
As you can tell, lately I've felt a bit of fatigue around many of these movies because they each focus on being more epic than the last, and that's a tough proposition. Sometimes I think that storytelling and communicating the emotional element of the sport has suffered at the expense of just trying to get a sticker shot. Sorry if I'm a buzzkill:-)
Scott Gaffney, the director of the Matchstick Productions "Days of My Youth", told me this in a recent email exchange:
I think the fun element has been fading from ski movies these days because everyone is so focused on being cinematic and "epic."
To go against the grain, Scott's movie is more about showcasing the joy and fun of the sport. The trailer will leave you feeling happy, and I can't wait to see the full movie. Enjoy the next 4 minutes, and tell me what you'd like to see more of in ski movies in the comments.
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