
By Sam Collentine, Meteorologist Posted 11 years ago January 27, 2014

SneakPeak Interview

Colorado Meteorologist Joel Gratz recently sat down for an interview with Sneak Peak Magazine. Sneak Peak is a locally owned Vail Valley magazine published every Thursday. The magazine proclaims Joel as "The Powder Prophet" and the interview dives into the details of Joel's love for powder, how OpenSnow found a niche in the online weather market, and our soon-to-come expansion into Canada. Below are two excerpts from the interview along with a link to the entire extended interview. 

SP: Talk about your ties to Colorado. Aside from school, what drew you here?

JG: When I came to Colorado, I discovered that skiing powder was even more fun than racing and instructing. I still love to teach friends and people like that how to ski, and nothing is like ripping groomers, but the powder is the Holy Grail.

SP: Does Open Snow do year-round forecasting, and are there plans to expand overseas to South American or New Zealand?

JG: Our first expansion will actually be Canada. Because we like that local forecasting model, we don’t want to rush out and get too big, too quick. We do want to include Canada, but our main focus is adding those local forecasters. That’s what we’re known for.

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About The Author

Sam Collentine


Sam Collentine is the Chief Operating Officer of OpenSnow and lives in Basalt, Colorado. Before joining OpenSnow, he studied Atmospheric Science at the University of Colorado, spent time at Channel 7 News in Denver, and at the National Weather Service in Boulder.

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