New England Daily Snow

Heads up, there may be fresher snow! Read the latest New England Daily Snow

By Brian Clark, Meteorologist Posted 9 years ago February 25, 2015

Midweek Snow Showers


A weak Clipper storm will pass to our north tonight and tomorrow while a second storm tracks too far off the coast to have an affect on the region. Lower elevations may see a coating to an inch or two while higher elevations could see light accumulations. Otherwise the rest of the week looks cold and quiet, with the next potential storm holding off until early next week.


The two storms that I have been talking about...the Clipper storm from the west and the storm coming out of the southeastern US...are still unfortunately not going to phase for us. In fact, the Clipper storm will now take a more northerly track while the storm out of the southeast will actually attempt to track up the coast. Both will stay just far enough away to prevent any widespread snow from accumulating. The Clipper storm passing to our north will be our main influence tonight and tomorrow. Snow showers will bring lower elevation resorts a coating to an inch or two at best, while higher elevation resorts could see a light accumulation of 1-3 inches. The one place in our region that does have a decent chance at a moderate snowfall is Camden Snow Bowl. The coastal storm out of the southeast may stay far enough west to bring that portion of the coast of Maine a 3-6 inch snowfall.

Otherwise, high pressure will start to build in as we head toward the end of the week. This will mean a generally quiet, albeit cold pattern as we head into the weekend. So the bad news is that we don't have any significant snowfall on tap through the weekend. The good news is that the incredible snow that we do already have isn't going anywhere.

Long Range

Our next chance for a more significant storm comes early next week. A pattern change may be coming along with this storm. What does that mean? Well, it means that it could end up being a warmer storm than we have seen lately. The jury is definitely still out on this one and as of right now we end up seeing more snow than rain in the our part of New England, but it is something to keep an eye on.

About Our Forecaster

Brian Clark


Brian lives in the Mount Washington Valley and works at one of the best ski shops in New England, Stan and Dan Sports in North Conway. He also teaches at Attitash Mountain Resort and runs a growing business that sells and repairs computers and smartphones.

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