
By Sam Collentine, Meteorologist Posted 2 years ago May 27, 2022
NEW: Global Air Quality Forecast Map
You can now plan activities around air quality with our new global map layer that provides forecasts for the next 5 days.
Click the "Maps" tab and select the "Air Quality Forecast" overlay.
This map layer shows you the likely location of smoke, blowing dust, and pollution around cities. The forecast updates every 6 hours with the latest available data.
When should I use the Air Quality Forecast map?
- When you want to see lower-resolution air quality data, globally.
- When you want to see air quality forecasts for the next 5 days.
- When you want to see the likely location of smoke, blowing dust, and pollution around cities.
The global air quality forecast map can also be used alongside our high-resolution Smoke (surface) and Smoke (sky) map layers that provide forecasts for the next 2 days over the United States.
Click the "Maps" tab and select the "Smoke (surface)" or "Smoke (sky)" overlay.
These map layers show you the likely location of wildfire smoke. The forecasts update every hour with the latest available data.
When should I use the Smoke (surface) or Smoke (sky) maps?
- When you want to see higher-resolution smoke data for the United States.
- When you want to see smoke forecasts for the next 2 days.
- When you want to see the approximate locations of current fires and their downstream smoke impacts.
What is the difference between the Smoke (surface) and Smoke (sky) maps?
- Use the Smoke (surface) map to track smoke near the ground where it can impact breathing.
- Use the Smoke (sky) map to track smoke in the sky where it can impact visibility.
Make sure you're updated to the latest version of the OpenSnow app (App Store / Google Play > OpenSnow > Update) or visit the OpenSnow website (
View → Air Quality Forecast Map
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Sam Collentine
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