Europe Daily Snow

Heads up, there may be fresher snow! Read the latest Europe Daily Snow

By Luke Stone, Forecaster Posted 1 year ago February 16, 2024

Three Increasingly Deeper Snow Events


Over the next ten days, three systems will impact the Alps. Each event will deliver bigger totals than the last, though none look to be incredibly deep. The third and strongest storm in the series still has a lot of details to be worked out.

Short Term Forecast

The majority of the details from yesterday's forecast remain the same, so today's update will be brief.

I am still watching three storms, each with increasing significance. The first round of snow will be minor, with just some snow showers and minimal accumulations. Round two will feature a period of moderate snow for some, but it’s more of a refresh than a powder day producer. The third, strongest, and potentially deep storm, is still a week out, and the question of who will get the most snow still remains. 

Storm #1, if you want to call it that, will bring some scattered snow showers to the northern Alps from Friday night through Saturday. Accumulations will generally be < 5cms. 

Storm #2 arrives Sunday night and will pack a little bit more of a punch. This system will favor the eastern Alps where 10 - 25 cms are possible by the end of Tuesday. Elsewhere in the northern Alps, 5 - 15 cms are expected. 

Below is the latest snow forecast from the European model for the first two storms in the series.

Most of my attention remains on storm #3, which is slated to arrive later next week around Thursday night. The latest guidance, though not all of it, takes this storm farther south with the deepest snow falling in the southern Italian and southern French Alps. A few of the models still show a more northerly track that would favor the Swiss and northern French Alps. At this time, these regions have close to equal chances of seeing a significant snowstorm.

Extended Forecast

An interesting development over the last twenty-four hours brings a second strong system into the Alps right on the heels of storm #3. In the GIF below of the upper-level pattern later next week, you can see the first storm track south of the Alps and then another strong system approaching from the west.


Thanks for reading the Europe Daily Snow!

Luke Stone
Forecaster, OpenSnow


NEW: Purple Forecast Signals Mixed Precipitation

You might have noticed a new color in our snow forecast summary and 10-day snow forecast graphs. OpenSnow previously only had blue to show snowfall under 6 inches and orange to indicate snowfall over 6 inches.

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About Our Forecaster

Luke Stone


Luke Stone earned his M.S. in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Utah, with a research focus on seasonal forecasting. Luke has scored deep days around the world, including coast-to-coast across the United States, Canada, and Europe.

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