Europe Daily Snow

Heads up, there may be fresher snow! Read the latest Europe Daily Snow

By Luke Stone, Forecaster Posted 11 months ago April 17, 2024

Late Season Nordstau Will Bring Several Powder Days to the Alps


A prolonged Nordstau will impact the northern Alps from Wednesday through Sunday. Two storms will bring impressive totals to Austria and Switzerland with a third storm possible for the middle of next week. This storm will feature cold air reminiscent of Winter and quality powder. After the record-breaking heat of the last week this is a welcome return to cold and snow. Enough resorts remain open t

Short Term Forecast

It’s been a while since we’ve seen a lengthy and cold Nordstau over the Alps. After this type of storm delivered big totals early in the season in November and December, snow has been less frequent for the northern Alps. Meanwhile, the southern Alps were favored for most of February and March. 

Starting last night, the first of two storms with a Nordstau setup will bring impressive snow totals to the Swiss and Austrian Alps along with cold temperatures. The first round of snow will continue on Wednesday with heavy snow throughout the day. A widespread 15 - 30 cms are expected by evening, deepest in the eastern Swiss and western Austrian Alps. Snow will become more showery Wednesday night but another 5 - 10 cm is likely in the Swiss and Austrian Alps. 

Moderate to heavy snow will return on Thursday, especially in the Swiss Alps, with lighter snow elsewhere. We'll have somewhat of a break on Friday with only light snow expected at times. The next storm arriving from the north will bring more heavy snow to the Austrian and Swiss Alps starting Friday night. Saturday should be a great powder day with 15 - 40 cm fresh, followed by another 10 - 20 cm during the day. Snow will become a bit lighter Saturday night but Sunday morning will provide 5 - 15 cm of fresh snow, with possible terrain openings featuring the storm total.

We’ll remain in a showery pattern for the early part of the week, and we’ll stay cold as well. Snow levels will fall to around 900 m Wednesday as the first cold front crosses the Alps. A consistent supply of cold air from the north will keep snow levels around 900 m for the entire period. 

The central/eastern Swiss Alps and the western Austrian Alps will likely end up between .5 - 1.5 m of snow in the Nordstau favored areas. Farther west into the northern French Alps, and farther east into the central/eastern Austrian Alps, totals will decrease, with 20 - 50 cm total through the weekend.

Below is the latest snow forecast from the European model through Sunday. 

Extended Forecast

The models show another storm moving into the Alps around the middle of next week. There has been some disagreement on the track of this one, but the northern Alps could be favored again. We’ll have to give next week’s pattern a few more days to sort itself out before getting into snow totals for that one.

Thanks for reading the Europe Daily Snow!

Luke Stone
Forecaster, OpenSnow


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About Our Forecaster

Luke Stone


Luke Stone earned his M.S. in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Utah, with a research focus on seasonal forecasting. Luke has scored deep days around the world, including coast-to-coast across the United States, Canada, and Europe.

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