Europe Daily Snow

By Luke Stone, Forecaster Posted 3 months ago December 14, 2024
Small Weekend Storm, Potential Storm Cycle Late Next Week
A small storm will bring some modest accumulations in the the northern Alps this weekend, and then we’ll dry out for the early part of next week. A strong storm cycle is looking more likely starting later next week.
Short Term Forecast
A fast-moving storm has brought snow back to the eastern Alps today and will intensify later tonight. Expect 10-20 cm by Sunday evening, with slightly bigger totals in some favored locations in the Austrian Alps.
The main focus remains the potential storm cycle that will get started later next week. There’s a lot of day-to-day variability across the models, within the models, and with the model’s deterministic and ensemble products. Generally, the models show at least two and as many as four storms moving in from the north/northwest. This is generally a colder storm track and favors the northern Alps, thanks to the northern winds.
There is higher confidence in the first storm of this potential cycle, slated to arrive on Thursday of next week. this storm will move in from the northwest, with northwest winds, in typical Nordweststau fashion. once again, the northern French Alld through the western Austrian Alps will be favored, with 30 - 60 cm expected through Friday.
But that’s about as far as we get before the models start to diverge significantly.
Extended Forecast
Let's take a look at one potential model run to get an idea of what's possible during the last 10 days of the month.
My next post will be on Monday.
Thanks for reading the Europe Daily Snow!
Luke Stone
Forecaster, OpenSnow
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