Idaho Daily Snow

Heads up, there may be fresher snow! Read the latest Idaho Daily Snow

By Coleen Haskell, Meteorologist Posted 7 years ago November 30, 2017

Snow this Weekend then Zip


We’re looking for some decent snow this weekend. It will be nice and cold so no concerns about snow levels this time around. That’s the good news. The not good news is that by Monday the snow machine will shut down for a long while. High pressure will build in a big way over the West Coast for cold and dry weather that will take us to the middle of December. Bah Humbug.

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About Our Forecaster

Coleen Haskell


Coleen has over 30 years of weather forecasting experience as a Meteorologist with the Air National Guard, the National Weather Service, and the Bureau of Land Management. She currently lives in Boise, Idaho and spends as much time as possible skiing (alpine and nordic), as well as biking and hiking.

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